Welcome to my Blog. My name is Tony Rowland. I like to discuss matters that may be highly contentious. There is a plethora of myths and misconceptions about Christianity. I can’t write them all, for there are so many that keep the Body of Christ motionless, in terms of the Spiritual/Supernatural of Good. Why do you suppose this is? For one, the myths more often than not are not challenged or what is known by as testing of the spirit.
Most people that are supposed to be in the Body of Christ cannot make the evaluation spiritually if a real man of God, called, chosen, and sent, like an Apostle Paul or a Peter, is presiding over the congregation. Most seem to think that if any Priest, Preacher, Teacher, Bishop or etc. is reading exactly from the same syllabus (Bible) as theirs, this seems to be these people authorization and pass granted by their God for their minister. The way they certify an Evangelist appointment to the ministry is often how eloquent, clever and scholarly they can formulate words and expressions that can inspire their intelligence. That is if they can get pass their personal visual check. I am writing in terms of the way the preacher looks.
In addition to that, vast numbers do not believe in signs, wonders, and miracles that the church must operate in, in order to function vibrantly. That is a fairytale for most protestant churches all over the world regardless of what Hebrews 2:4 has to say in the New Living Translation: “And God confirmed the message by giving signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit whenever he chose.”
For a lot of protestant churches protest against this chapter and verse, and they believe that this is solely a Pentecostal and Charismatic movement thought. For some Catholics are not to be excluded in believing what the protestant protest against this scripture. And for another mass figures of people, they build other images of how the Spiritual side (signs, wonder, miracles) is to be worked in the Body of Christ and their lives to kind of quell others position that may condemn them for not believing in the miraculous.
I can understand the Protestants and Catholics cries for all the fakes, phonies, fraudsters, and imposters in the ministry. Nevertheless, there is no one else’s fault and to blame but their own for having no knowledge. I would like to believe that vast numbers of you have heard, ‘For the lack of knowledge my people perish Hosea 4:6’.
Untold numbers do not know how this tiny section of scripture is worked into their New Testament lives or how important spiritual knowledge is for daily optimal living and for salvation. Not only that, but they will also have to account for this very, very important piece of scripture.
One of the All-time misconceptions is that grace will cover you when all is said. In my books, I delve deeply into this grace notion, and how it is supposed to be worked into our lives. The Lord is not mocked, and just because you can’t get your minds around how grace works or when it should, I wouldn’t bet on it covering you repeatedly for the same sin. This is especially when you are aware of your sins. I must go on record and say that you must be eligible for grace. Grace is for many so misunderstood. Yet, most bet their salvation on it coming through when they sin over, and over, and over again of the same sin!
Only those who love the lord and seek him with all their soul and strength are eligible for grace. Did you know that? Also, there is one more condition: You must hit the target dead center in Jesus Christ in order to be eligible for grace. Otherwise, it overturns Deuteronomy Chapter 6:5 and Hosea Chapter 7:16 AMP bible. “You shall love the lord your God with all your soul, and with all your strength.”
"They look everywhere except to heaven, to the Most High God. They are like a crooked bow that always misses targets; their leaders will perish by the sword of the enemy for their insolence to me. And all Egypt will laugh at them."