Hello, my name is Tony Rowland. Welcome to my blog. Today, we will discuss the concepts of sin and redemption in Christianity. Did you know that the human body is considered spiritually a covenant, to be utilized by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for His purposes? Similarly to how the Israelites carried the Ark of the Covenant through different territories as a sacred vessel, your human body should be regarded in the same way.
Just as the Lord God gave instructions to Moses on how to build the Ark, He has also provided instructions on how we are to build our bodies as vessels for New Testament Christians. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, it is written:
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies."
Unfortunately, many people, both within and outside the Body of Christ lack an understanding of why our bodies are so important. In 2 Corinthians 4:7, Jesus Christ refers to our bodies as containing treasures:
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."
But, for vast numbers in the Church, throughout the world, have no knowledge of exactly what 'Treasures in Jars of Clay' is in relations to its inward and defining purposes with all-surpassing power. If only the Body of Christ could sacredly get a true grip on divinely what exactly the human body is really built for, and why it does not work divinely for them in the way they think it should; they would cry Ten-Thousand cries.
But due to the influence of false teachers, including preachers, priests, ministers, bishops, reverends, psychics, mediums, and those involved in the New Age movement, the Christian Church has been subjected to ridicule and mockery.
In my upcoming book, "Silent Cries in the Night: More Untold Stories from the Edge," which will be released by the end of this year, I explain the reasons behind this situation. However, being unaware of this grave sin does not exempt you from its consequences. Can you be redeemed from this ugly sin of no knowledge? Absolutely! Only a few people in the Body of Christ worldwide are even aware of what I'm writing about.
Do you even think that it is a dire sin for having no knowledge, even when you do not know that you do not have knowledge?
Many of you have left something behind on this Earth that is stored away in heaven for you to partake of daily. There is one huge hurdle that all must clear before you are to partake. You must be taught how to seek the Lord Jesus with all of your mind, might, and strength and hit the target in him! I'm writing of the same way and account that Elijah who taught Elisha. Elisha listened, watch, and help Elijah every opportunity he got daily. After Elijah trained him, Elisha asked for a double portion of the anointing (Supernatural/Spiritual Power). Read 2 Kings Chapter 2:9-10. With that, it is blasphemous to think that after the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus, He suddenly says, "Okay, now you have to find your own way."
Again, in my books, the Lord has revealed to me what people, in the Body of Christ, all over the world have neglected. They would be horrified, and others sickened and shocked by their unwitting actions. However, all is not lost because redemption is possible.
Now, for a great number of you, the Lord has been pursuing you to offer you a gift that would astound most individuals. The unfortunate part of sin is that in many situations, you cannot realize you are sinning unless it is revealed to you. Relying solely on a type of prayer for immunity will not cover you when you repeatedly commit the same sin.
Understanding the concept of sin is only possible when you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Any other thoughts on this matter are mere exaggerations, imaginations, and/or fantasies.
Please note that while I have made some adjustments for clarity and readability, I have maintained the overall structure and content of the text. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask.