Finding and Embracing your Spiritual Gifts

Finding and Embracing your Spiritual Gifts

Hello, welcome to my blog.  My name is Tony Rowland.  Today’s discussion is about finding and embracing your spiritual gifts.  This is another barn burner discussion for church people.  For most people in the Body of Christ in the world have turned 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 Spiritual gifts spoken about upside-down.

Let’s just deal with Verse 10 of the Living New Testament for right now. 

“He gives power for doing miracles to some, and to others power to prophesy and preach.  He gives someone else the power to know whether evil spirits are speaking through those who claim to be giving god’s messages or whether it is really the Spirit of God who is speaking. Still another person is able to speak in language he never learned; and others, who do not know the language either, are given power to understand what he is saying.”

For most Christians today in the Body of Christ have no clue how this chapter and its verses function vibrantly and divinely in the bodies of humans.  So, how have they gotten around this?    

For many have broken the super spiritual gifts up into talents that anyone can achieve if they go to school and do studies and research on them.  As an example, a person that is a medical doctor is now one that has the gift of healing in many, many denominational eyes.  Now, this subject matter gets very dicey now, for the on-the-fence Christian. 

For the physician that has a successful surgery of the person that had an open-heart transplant, somehow in the church people's eyes, he has the gift of healing.  I hate to say that it matters not if they are Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, False prophet priest, Psychic, Medium, and etc.  All that matters, they claim, is that God used these people to miraculous healed the sick. 

Today, this is the altitude of most supposedly Christians in the body of Christ.  Again, these are doctors of other types of religions, all over the world that actually hate Jesus Christ in secret.  Not all, but a good percentage.  And for the Christian, you can’t change the minds of them that believed that God used the Muslim doctor to miraculously heal their loved one.  If their loved one dies on the table, the Christian will reverse all credit and claim that it was their time to go.  Now can you see a little clearer of what is slowly changing Christianity?

Another very sad part of this is their loved one is now dead at 25 years old.  He died of cancer.  I thought Psalm Chapter 90:10 supposed to kick-in.  I thought real Christians in holiness churches were exempt and freed from long-term illnesses that are pounding the church right into the ground because of those that divinely have the true gift of healing.

“Seventy years are given (promised) to us!  Some even live to eighty.  But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away.” (Psalm 90:10, NLT)    

I guess this scripture is a hoax, as well.  Now, I cannot expound on the gift of Miracles, for that is a joke too for most Christians around the world.  They wouldn’t know if a spiritual miracle was in process or about to happen.  Most would laugh at it anyway! 

The spiritual miraculous gift of “giving someone else the power to know whether evil spirits are speaking through those who claim to be giving god’s messages or whether it is really the Spirit of God who is speaking.  Still another person is able to speak in language he never learned; and others, who do not know the language either, are given power to understand what he is saying” is fantasy and imaginary to a whole host of Christians today.  For a lot of them, this is a gut laughing piece of text and discussion.

So, finding and embracing your spiritual gifts is not anything that’s easy to discover and embrace, because it has something to do with not living an ordinary and normal life, like everyone else lives!  Too, it requires deep devotion to Jehovah Nissi our provider.  But it is worth everything in you to discover and embrace your gifts! 

In one of my books called, The Lost Message and Ministry of Jesus Christ, you will feel and see my super supernatural gifts operating in a way that will make you want to die for yours to manifest.  Today, this is what's missing in the Body of Christ.  Again, I am not talking about talents that everyone has in the natural state.  

Did you know that there is another class of people, thought to be in the Body of Christ, that are moving around the country talking about that everyone has the gift of healing, and they are all lying hands on people, and nothing is divinely happening of good?  And for many you cannot change their minds about this matter either, while there is no bible scripture to validate their fantasy.  I write extensively about what this huge and dangerous error causes spiritually inwardly, in the people, in the Body of Christ, in my Fallout trilogies of books.

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