Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Tony Rowland. Today’s discussion revolves around finding and embracing your spiritual identity. This title is not really difficult to understand if you actually know God, Jesus Christ endogenously/inwardly. For one, our spiritual identity should mean everything, because in true Christianity there is only one way, truth, and life. John Chapter 14:6, no one can get to God the father except through Jesus Christ.
"I am the way true and the life. No one comes to the father except through me."
I have seen and read this excerpt posted on churches billboards, charts in health clubs, and planted on other large notices in public places for advertisement all my life.
Even though I knew this passage was truth, I also knew deep down that something was missing in it for me. So, I just kept on with whatever I was doing, but this selection always caused me to reflect deeply within. Today, I know why, but it took me over 35 years to get the Revelation. Once that happened, weird things and mysteries that happened all my life that I had no understanding of whatsoever, quickly came together. What I have to write about next is not easy because it may insult some of you, but others will be happy, happy!
If Jesus Christ has not revealed himself to you inwardly and you cannot feel his presence in a miraculous and sacred form, then you must quickly question your overall salvation as to if you are even saved. 2 Corinthians Chapter 13:5-6. You must divinely reexamine your spirituality quickly, because many False prophets are roaming about unlike this world has ever known Matthew Chapter 24:11-13 in the New Living Translation.
"Check up on yourselves. Are you really Christians? Do you pass the test? Do you feel Christ's presence and power more and more within you? Or are you just pretending to be Christians when actually you aren't at all? I hope you can agree that I have stood that test and truly belong to the Lord."
"And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But the ones who endures to the end will be saved."
These people that endure can only be saved only if they have divinely received the baptismal of the Holy Ghost and keep pursuing Jesus Christ and hitting the target in him to keep from backsliding. This is the divine interpretation of the last piece of the sentence in this verse. Just because you have been baptized and lived a spotless life does not mean a hill of beans in how the spiritual game is played.
In fact, you are being set up for the big fall, you, and your thorny research! You will blast hell wide open, and you will not pass go, because the righteous one will hustle you on in it! Why? Your spiritual life was worked through your own soul, intelligence, intellect, and 5 senses and not your spirits intellect, intelligence, and instinct. Your spirit and soul have not been divinely split Hebrews chapter 4:12 in kjv.
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
This chapter and verse are fantasy and fiction to over 90 percent of the people in the Body of Christ today, if the truth be told. They cannot unlock a Christian cryptogram when it is sealed away from them. The cryptology in this verse is brewing with the word sealed! Again, most have no clue how this verse is worked in the minds and bodies of real Christians. So, they create all sorts of fairytales and fabrications about this chapter and verse to highjack your intellect. And accordingly, on how much money you can fork over will be if your interpretation of this chapter and verse will be advertised in bible commentaries.
I know that some may find my writing insulting. Actually, what is insulting is the false prophet priests, teachers and etc of our era that have defrauded and tricked large battalions of you. The Lord explained it to me this way, it was revealed to me that false preachers are like viruses in a computer. That’s right, they are everywhere!
With that, for huge numbers of you, you may have gotten the water when you got baptized, but it is for sure, you never ever got the Spirit of God. So, that makes a lot of you a half Christian and others you are not a Christian at all. I also need to make this clear, I’m not talking about infants or those that cannot remember their baptism.
Now, finding and embracing your spiritual identity should be known that you are a baptized in the Holy Ghost filled real Christian with Super Supernatural/spiritual evidence that is a sign showing that it is not from this world. This is what you should be looking for and embracing to complete what your spiritual identity piece is.