Finding Meaning and Purpose in your Spiritual Journey

Finding Meaning and Purpose in your Spiritual Journey

Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Tony Rowland. Today's discussion revolves around finding the meaning and purpose in your spiritual journey. Truly, what is said has a subliminal context hidden within its text. What the title is really suggesting is discovering the will of God for your life and how to find your true destiny in Jesus Christ.

You can label and describe it however you like in terms of your purpose and spiritual journey. However, your spiritual journey entails aligning yourself with Jesus Christ. That's if you believe there is such a sacred thing as a true destiny and purpose given to each one of us in Christianity. 

Likewise, if you are in denial or unsure, you will likely never find your meaning and purpose in your Spiritual journey or your true destiny and purpose in Jesus Christ. You will fumble the ball that represents your true purpose and remain unaware that it's out of your hands. Having no knowledge of how the spiritual divine game is played in the Body of Christ due to a hearing impediment is devastating. This is a struggle that people all over the world in the church are still trying to understand.

Many individuals in the Body of Christ today sense that something is missing in their lives and spirituality, but they can't quite identify what it is. In my books, I write about the impact this void can have on a person. There's nothing worse than being part of a church community while grappling with this feeling of something still missing. You believe your plan of salvation is intact because you've followed the necessary steps, or so you think.

In my first book, "Silent Cries in the Night: Untold Stories from the Edge," the Lord reveals to me the true meaning of this missing element because I had felt something was missing in my life for as long as I can remember, but I couldn't quite grasp it.

Now, I am referring to individuals who attend church three times a week. I'm talking about churches that hold services on Sunday morning and afternoon, perhaps even including prayer rituals twice a week. I am addressing those individuals who are deeply troubled by this feeling of something missing.

With all that being said, finding meaning and purpose in your spiritual journey is possible. However, if your priest, teacher, preacher, bishop, pastor, prayer partner, or anyone else has not truly aligned themselves with Jesus Christ, I'm sorry to say that all is lost. There is no other possible explanation, because if there were, then "The Blind Leading the Blind" in Matthew Chapter 15:14 would be a hoax.

"Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit."

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