Hello, welcome to my blog! My name is Tony Rowland. Today, we will discuss how to deal with spiritual dryness and feeling disconnected. This is a thought-provoking and alluring topic that affects many people in the Christian Church. Unfortunately, they often struggle to find help from their pastors, parishioners, ministers, deacons, elders, and others. Spiritual dryness and feeling disconnected are indeed spiritual crises that require attention.
In my book, "The Lost Message and Ministry of Jesus Christ," which is part of The Fallout trilogy series, I extensively cover what spiritual dryness and feeling disconnected spiritually looks like. I support my explanations with relevant Bible scriptures to demonstrate the clinical spiritual nature of these experiences.
Detecting a clinical spiritual matter that is invisible in the human body is indeed challenging without guidance from a source knowledgeable in such matters. It is akin to the medical community's struggle to fully understand and unlock the hidden mysteries behind post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Clinical psychologists and psychiatrists do not have a cure for PTSD.
However, have you ever considered the possibility that PTSD could be both a spiritual and clinical disorder combined? It's an intriguing thought. Many in the ministry often recommend prayer as the solution for those experiencing spiritual dryness and disconnected. While prayer is essential, the problem is who is doing the praying.
Understanding the symptoms of spiritual dryness is crucial. It involves an ongoing feeling of emptiness in the gut and a sense of disconnection from everything. Psychologically, it is an unpleasant state to be in because finding a solution can be challenging if you are not in the place of God like you need to be.
When spiritual dryness becomes unbearable, individuals may seek help from psychologists and psychiatrists. Can these professionals provide assistance? It depends. They may prescribe stronger medications that provide temporary comfort, but the symptoms are likely to resurface with a vengeance again and again, and nothing you will be able to do about it.
This is especially if you do not know how the evil one can move in and out of our bodies without the slightest detection. For you will be unable to deal with spiritual dryness and a feeling of disconnected if your set of symptoms aren't at all clinical.