Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Tony Rowland. Today’s discussion revolves around the question of how to detect a false prophet or preacher sacredly. In fact, how can you be so certain that I am not a false priest? This is a question that a lot of you should be asking. The problem with this is, again, what makes you think you are going to receive something divinely when you have not done what you are supposed to do? I am writing about loving and seeking the Lord with all of your strength, heart, and soul in hitting the target in Jesus Christ.
Why do you think you should receive something like that when billions of others along the way didn’t get it? What makes you think that you are divinely eligible to receive a sign, wonder or marvel to assure you of my appointment in Jesus Christ? Something that you urgently need to move forward in. In Hebrews Chapter 2:4.
“And God confirmed the message by giving signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit whenever he chose.”
The Lord gives signs, wonders, and miracles to whoever he chooses to help confirm a real preachers appointment in a lot of situations. The point is, this is a decree that he does make manifest and supernaturally happen when the convert to Christ many times have done what they are supposed to do. The problem with most is that they don’t know how the divine oil in the book of Revelation Chapter 3:18 demands that you must have in order to move forward in your journey. The Lord is pleading with Laodicea’s carnal churches status to understand divinely what he is saying.
"My advice to you is to buy pure gold from me, gold purified by fire—only then will you truly be rich. And to purchase from me white garments, clean and pure, so you won’t be naked and ashamed; and to get medicine from me to heal your eyes and give you back your sight."
This entire chapter and verse are sealed away from the carnal naturalist Christian. It is even sealed from those that do not have the spiritual gift of special knowledge to unlock its mysteries in Christianity. So, what makes you think, again, that you are eligible for a sign and the eye ointment that you are so desperately in need of to get your sight? In truth, most in the Body of Christ don't understand exactly what this sacred sight issue is all about. They have no clue what sight the bible is talking about. They cannot make that kind of spiritual evaluation.
Or do you think Matthew Chapter 24:24 is your ticket to settle this argument?
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
For the American Church, you are in a gridlock (stuck), for now you are unable to make a valid spiritual choice. How are you to make a sacred spiritual decision between Hebrews chapter 2:4 and Matthews chapter 24:24 when the nuances are razor thin, and because you are not naturally built with the faculty to spiritually detect. For you are again stuck, because there are hordes of mediums, psychics, warlocks, witches, palm readers, false prophet teachers and etc that are saying the same thing I am talking about.
They say their way is the way, truth, and life too. There is only one way out of this that must come into play that makes the Christian dots connect for you to make the correct call about my sacred appointment, chosen and sent rank. When you are up against passages in the bible like Matthew chapter 24:24 pitted against Hebrew chapter 2:4 and what I am decreeing, it can all cause a meltdown in you when you are really trying, if you have not hit the target in Jesus Christ.
If you have not sought the Lord with all your heart, might and soul and hit the target in Jesus Christ squarely, your spirit is not going to kick in, I don’t care how much crying you do. This is the source of where your greatest difficulties and struggles will be, that being discerning between the truth versus the false in the spirit. Can you understand?
I must repeat, once more, your hung problem in the mist of what I am writing about that makes every bit of it senseless. That being, every cry, tongue, shout, and song that you sing can all originate and arise out of your soul and not your spirit. This is where ninety-nine percent of a lot of full gospel churches exist in America. I am writing about those that believe in the fivefold ministry. This is one more example of why the Lord, Jesus Christ has revealed to me to forewarn you of this massive entrapment, before it is too late.
Fake tongues, shouting, singing, preaching and etc. from these kinds of people has a very special place set aside for them in hell. These are those that do not hit the target in Jesus Christ at all. What they do is what is known as worship of confusion and chaos.
For these are those that have the form of God but deny the power thereof 2 Timothy Chapter 3:5-7.
Is this fair enough. Or are you one of those that claim that it doesn’t take all of that to get to heaven? In fact, for a lot of churches doctrines what I am talking about is something disgusting and repulsive because that is not why they come to church. What I am writing about in their minds does not line up with John Chapter 3:16 in the end. They will argue that they are true worshipers and believers if you challenge them, and that no matter what, they believe.
Also, on another matter concerning Matthew Chapter 24:24. Have you ever thought about how the elects in Christianity are going to be tricked and deceived by the false Christs and false Prophets all over the world? Artificial Intelligence is going to be a huge player in this. Are you aware that AI technology has advanced to such an extent that it is now capable of enabling any user to flawlessly replicate another person's voice and speech patterns? Do you know what that means?
Even those that think they are thoroughly in Jesus Christ will be fooled if they aren’t purified deeply in him. This new technology is before us right today.
One more thing that must be noted. A lot of people in doctrinal faith-based Churches all over the world do not believe in signs, wonders, and miracles or that kind of thought even brought up in the Body of Christ. In fact, that is not how they believe the Church is founded upon. For vast numbers of them that is voodoo, and others believe that is a page out of the Pentecostals and Charismatics doctrine. They will quote John Chapter 3:16 so fast that it will cause your head to swim if you challenge them.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
The problem with this is most people (clergy too) that quote this chapter and verse, as a last line of defense, do so at a great peril, for no knowledge. They have no clue of the risk of danger that they have created. They have no knowledge of why this is one of the primary sources and causes of why their Church, as a congregation is dead in relations to the miraculous.
For most, supposedly Christians, do not believe in the New Testament commandments for their daily Christian Walk, anyway. Remember, they have moved the target to fit their target in what they think is in Jesus’s name to fit how they understand his New Testament commandments.
In John Chapter14:15 "If you love me, you will obey my commandments." But for most, in the Body of Christ, they are oblivious that this verse is a test and sign to show Jesus Christ their true, true love for him. Unfortunately, for most in the Body of Christ this tiny section of scripture has become a huge crater and stumbling block for 99% of supposedly followers of Jesus Christ all over the world today.
Now for some, you may be itching for me to give you an example. Okay, I’m going to give you a couple of them out of dozens out of the Living New Testament. For starters, the gift of tongues and then those that can interpret them.
"Still another person is able to speak in languages he never learned; and others, who do not know the language either, are given power to understand what he is saying."
Two: "He gives someone else the power to know whether evil spirits are speaking through those who claim to be giving God’s message or whether it is really the Spirit of God who is speaking." 1 Corinthians Chapter 12:10
Again, these are only two powerful examples out of dozens of others, and they are the backbone behind why much of the Christian Church has been in a steady decline in America as it relates to the divine. You can play Russian Roulette with this if you like and give a litany of flawed excuses, because maybe you think these two verses are not contextually understood or that you only believe in the dispensational theology.
This is a theology that was exclusively written and given only to the apostles, disciples and the prophets of the Old and New Testament, so they say. Today, you claim the anointing, divine and the miraculous no longer exist because it all dried up for our times. And this is the primary source why a lot of supposedly Christians all over the world do not believe fully in these commandments.
In all, this is all the excuse that you will have. For these two powerful commandments noted are filled with Christian super miraculous end results for our era. This is for those that Love the Lord and seek him with all their spirit, soul, heart, and might and hit the target in him.
You must remember, there are spiritual consequences on this side, as well as for your afterlife, as an outcome of negotiating with your instinct to defend your position against these two powerful commandments. So, you might try to ride out John Chapter 3:16 and hope like you know what that grace will cover you for a trifling error. I don’t think so….