Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Tony Rowland. Today, I will write about a very visceral and weighty subject matter and that is how to develop a personal relationship with God.
Let me begin by stating that there are two Gods with two different natures. There is a God above and the God below. Please do not think I am nick-picking for this is a very dreadful problem that many of the leaders in Christianity have slipped vast numbers of churches into. For they fail to speak about this overarching issue the way I will be explaining it.
Are they intimidated by others God’s and Religions because many in their own Churches have no Signs, Wonders, and Miracles? The Psychics, Mediums, Sharma’s, Soothsayers, Hindus, Buddhists, and thousands more all claim God as their God, and some claim that there are signs of him. There are so many Gods and religions today to choose from and they all again claim that God is God.
The problem with that, I like to know that God the Father, Jesus Christ is who they are talking about, because any other God is the God of this world. That being the Evil One. Otherwise, John Chapter 14:6 is just a hoax.
“Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Many have heard these lines spoken about practically their entire Church life. The problem with this is, if Jesus Christ has never revealed himself to you inwardly, you cannot know that he lives. This is if you are honest with yourselves. For untold numbers in the body of Christ delude their selves because they do not want to be left out of the Christianity craze.
That is why I'm also careful how I use the word supernatural, because those in and outside the body of Christ instantly identify the supernatural as witchcraft, magic, and the occult. You can only find a few bible translations that even show the word supernatural. Although, make no mistake that all spiritual ends and components have supernatural implications built within its foundation, be it for the good or for evil.
So, you will not be able to get around this crafty word (Supernatural). This is because the spiritual and the supernatural are intertwined with each other. They go hand and hand. You cannot have the spiritual without the supernatural.
Another huge problem that most real Christians are unaware of is that this spiritual Christian thing is like a game. And if you do not know the rules and decrees in how it is played, you can be cut off. Just because you think you understand the plan for your salvation does not guarantee that you are saved.
You might think because you listened to the preacher speak, believe, understood, confessed a hope, got baptized, sing, go to bible class, pray, give an offering, and not sin much assures you a seat in heaven. I thought the same thing too before the Lord found me.
In my books, I give short stories of how I found Jesus Christ, or he found me. For sure, I would have never, never in ten-thousand Christmases believed that the Lord would have revealed himself to me in the way that he did. I was so not ready for his appearance! In fact, what happened to me was a spiritual epiphany so broad and far-reaching I thought surely this couldn’t happen to humans in this realm of life.
Most of my spiritual epiphanies (experiences) are written in my books. The other thing that might blindside you if you are not careful, careful with your own independent thoughts are that my epiphanies are just for me alone. After reading all my books, I believe that you will have a change of heart on that issue.
Although, my overarching point that I need to unveil to you is developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (God) is not reading the heck out of the bible until you are blue in the face and praying in self-styled format. This form is in fact the opposite way in developing an intimate and inward relationship with Jesus Christ. This is why many, many in the body of Christ cry out to their preachers that if there is a Jesus Christ, he is avoiding them in their prayers, and why should he avoid us when our needs are so small.