Hello again, welcome to my blog. My name is Tony Rowland. The subject that I am going to discuss with you today is how to find a church home that aligns with your beliefs. This is a trash burner subject that is a tower surrounded by an inferno of never-ending flames. For untold numbers in the Body of Christ must walk this blank which is frail, and hope like you know what it doesn’t crack.
All the same, I hope that you will not think I am negative because of what is written next. I do not know what most people’s beliefs are or how it should match up with what church they are duty-bound to attend. I will say this, and it stands for 100 percent of those that desire to get it right, because I have walked that blank too.
You cannot discover the right church by using your own thought process or intelligence. I am writing in terms of a holiness one. One that is filled with people with the Holy Ghost. You will spend countless days, months and years trying to find one if you do not know the Lord and are on speaking terms with him.
This is just one huge spiritual crisis and fact! Only, Jesus Christ can assist and reveal to you if you are in a holiness and/or sanctified church. Just because someone said it is holy does not confirm that it is. This was my problem for some 40 years, but I didn’t know how to understand that was my issue. I used the wrong foresight in trying to distinguish how truth was imparted into the Body of Christ. I utilized my own 5 instincts into something that required another form, other than my own thoughts. Don’t you remember John Chapter 16:13 in the New Living Testament?
“When the Holy Spirit, who is truth, comes, He shall guide you into all truth, for he will not be presenting his own ideas, but will be passing on to you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.”
How could I understand how this scripture was to be imparted as my missing element in connecting the dots, in finding a church home? I had read the bible over, and over again for some 30 something years and I had no clue. I didn’t know anything about a Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost and how it was imparted into my body or why I could not move forward in anything spiritual without the counselors help. I was oblivious to that kind of thinking. As far as that was concerned, in the long haul, I would have interpreted that as fantasy and fiction.
I knew my own mind wasn’t the Holy Spirit and that was for sure! It is virtually impossible to find a church home without being sacredly guided, because of so many false churches to contend with.
You might say, others have found churches that are sanctified. Yes, that may be true, as they may have stumbled into one, for a lot of them say they are sanctified, as well. But that is the hard way! And playing Russian Roulette and Spin the Bottle with your salvation, too! Just because you like the atmosphere, people, preacher, singing, chemistry, and they cling to some of your beliefs does not assure you that it is a house of God, above.
Remember that you are searching and looking to be retransformed with a renewed mind in worshiping and also, to assist you in discriminating between good and bad things of this world when the nuances can be razor-thin concerning anything spiritual. This renewed transformation epiphany happened to me, and it took several years for me to even rap my mind around as to exactly what happened. Romans Chapter 12:2.
“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of god, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
I know for some this piece reads psychotic! It is if you have never spiritually experienced the epiphany. I read this piece for 30 something years, and I would become highly annoyed, because I couldn’t understand how this could be worked into the minds of humans. And no one I knew could explain it to me. How could they when most I spoke with had never experienced it.
I knew I needed a spiritual makeover of my mind, but I didn’t have a clue how to Reform it. I didn’t want to go to a special type meeting with nerds sitting in circles talking about their deep sexual (masturbation) needs, issues, alcohol, drug, and pornography addictions or have a personal psychologist. Nor did I desire to participate in other group setting of people to help me work and washout what was hindering and pestering my mind.
My cause and situation were way, way deeper than that and somehow, I knew it! And I didn’t have an alcohol, drug, sexual, and porn video addiction need and issue either. All the same, I would have never known how this Chapter and verse could be activated supernaturally into my mind if the lord hadn’t revealed it. That’s if you believe Jesus Christ still speaks to a special class of people today. For I didn’t believe in God above speaking to a certain class of people or any other thing like that before my post- Apocalyptic experience.
Today, I’ve experienced one post-Apocalyptic Revelations, after another, and it has blown the top off of my mind, in which you will read all about it in my books. And you can too, if you carefully take my recommendations that the Lord, Jesus has given me to share with you.
Finding a church home should be the simplest spiritual experience that you should have, if you have done what you are duty-bound to do in Jesus Christ. Also, I am aware that many people cannot find a church home, all over the world, when they are not even knowledgeable of this kind of thing (evil), existing, panting, and waiting for them to make the wrong move spiritually in their lives.
Now, before I end this blog, we have a huge, huge problem that must be discussed, for there's no way to get around it. Today, we are in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI). "It is intelligence -perceiving, synthesizing, and inferring information-demonstrated by machines, as opposed to intelligence displayed by non-human animals or by humans."
Today, we can write a 300-page document, and have it checked for spelling, grammar and even bible scriptures corrected accordingly. AI will even interpret the bible scripture and give its meaning to you even when you have not requested it, in a blink of an eye. Guess who AI receives its instructions and intelligence from? Please do not get annoyed with me for writing what's next. People who sit behind a deck that doesn't know Jesus Christ period.
Many that program AI's intelligence has never experienced the Glory or presence of Jesus Christ in their bodies miraculously. They have no sacred personal knowledge of what it is in receiving the Holy Spirit. A large percentage of the people that feed bible information into AI do not have the gift of Special Knowledge or Wise Advice or any other Super spiritual gift spoken about in 1 Corinthian Chapter 12. This is to give authority of what they are talking about.
There's nothing that serves as a sign or marvel to insure us of AI's response is holy and sacred.....something that I thoroughly cover that must happen in my books.
What they have programmed in AI is now our teacher and guide and for others their God.
This is one of the reasons why when I tried to use Artificial Intelligence in assisting me, "it told me that it could not include (miracles, wonders, and signs) this part in my answer because it is not supported by scientific evidence or widely accepted beliefs." AI is merging science and strong widely accepted beliefs into the Spirit of the Text and its producing nothing but void and empty evidence.
AI said, "the concept of the "Holy Spirit" is a religious belief, and as an AI language model, I am not programmed to express opinions on religious or spiritual matters."
But watch the hypocrisy in this. AI tried tirelessly to correct, in its scientific context and approach, what it thought were inaccuracies and errors that I interpreted incorrectly of several bible scriptures. Then it told me, "I'm sorry but as an AI language model, I cannot write content that is deliberately inaccurate or misleading."
You might say, what is my point? False teacher prophets have invaded the Artificial Intelligence era, and if nothing is done the paper Bible is up for extinction next. If something isn't done in the next 15 years to overthrow the false prophet, and their personal opinions of the Holy Ghost without divine supernatural signs, wonders and miracles as evidence that can be tested by the Spirit of God, Christianity may be extinct.
In truth, today the Holy Spirit is thought to be nothing but personal opinions, points of views, and what is called, Relativism; a type of opinion of what maybe you or your culture believe, because there is no absolute truth nor experience, so they say.