Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Tony Rowland. Today, I will be writing about an issue that can be very, very thorny, and that is how to find God in Nature and in the Natural World. For finding God in Nature and in the Natural can be done and you do not have to do anything to cause it.
But again, which God are you talking about? Are you speaking about the God of this World or Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior? Moses had to go up into the mountain of God to find him. The Lord, God was not in the valley below for him to find. And you are not going to find him either, below. You must go up in the Lord to discover him. So, how is this done?
It begins first, for a lot of people that I write about in my books, with a Special Type Prayer Life that I cover exclusively.
So many people in the church today confuse and substitute normal and ordinary living as divine and godly. Somehow, they have been duped and taught that the Natural and Nature serene, peaceful, and quiet atmospheric touches through their five senses and instinct are godlike and heavenly.
Today, for many in the Christian Church our five instincts are substituted for what the Holy Spirit work is. For the Holy Ghost is supposed to lead us in all, not some truth, but all truths. In John Chapter 16:13.
“When the Holy Spirit, who is the truth comes, he shall guide you into all truths, for he will not be presenting his own ideas, but will be passing on to you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.”
So many of you have read and heard this testimony of scripture all your life. The problem is you do not know how it is worked inwardly in the body of Christians to rely on. It’s almost impossible for even the real Christians to get the kind of grip needed for them to flow in this scripture. Although, there is a spiritual valid explanation why. You will read all of the causes in my books.