How to Overcome Spiritual Stagnation and Keep Growing

How to Overcome Spiritual Stagnation and Keep Growing

Hello, welcome to my blog.  My name is Tony Rowland.  Today’s subject is how to overcome spiritual stagnation and keep growing.  This is a very interesting theme because so many people in the Body of Christ struggle with this kind of spiritual phenomena.  Yes, this is exactly what spiritual stagnation is; it is a spiritual issue deeply hidden from you inside your Bone Marrow. 

Can it be corrected?  Sure, but again, not only is this a deep, deep psychological issue, it is a spiritual one, as well, combined into one.  Can you believe it?  Isn’t this a perfect cover for the evil one to shred you.  You restore the psychological portion, but you are not completely rehabilitated on the spiritual side, for it is now pestering you.

What a horrible crisis state to be in.

Before I get started on the blog, please, please do not think only of me as being negative.  For huge numbers in the Body of Christ are going too.  The Modern-day Church is shipwrecked in terms of the spiritual/supernatural of good.  I am writing in terms of people being healed of blindness, the dead raise, cancer, aids, diabetes, deaf and dumb, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson and etc... being delivered.   This is just for starters.

There are actually thousands of auto-immune syndromes and inflictions that are triggering all sorts of difficulties that are troubling the children in the Body of Christ.  This is one of the problems that can cause spiritual stagnation and keep you from growing.  Spiritual Stagnation is a deep, deep dialogue discussion. 

The other problem is spiritual stagnation for many means dull, dry and stale.  There is a legitimate spiritual explanation too.  I cover thoroughly the cause in another book called The Lost Message and Ministry of Jesus Christ.  

I will tell you this, you cannot grow when you are in the wrong spirit, and you do know nor have a clue how to fix it.  In fact, you can’t even know that you are in the wrong spirit and a spiritual crisis in your life, if it is not revealed. 

Again, all you will know is that you are stale and dry.  A lot of people in the Body of Christ cannot detect when they have a spiritual issue.  In fact, most have never heard or known of the likes of what I am writing about.  Nevertheless, when I say spiritual stagnation is ugly, it is really, really ugly!

Written above are a few of the symptoms and syndromes of spiritual stagnation and to keep growing is known as fantasizing in the natural world, when you can't figure out why you are stagnated.

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