Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Tony Rowland. Today’s message is recognizing and overcoming spiritual burnout. First, let me state that for real Christians filled with the Holy Ghost this rarely happens. Can it happen to the filled? Yes, but this is if their special prayer life, that I write about exclusively begins to dry up. In my 2nd book that will be soon released called Silent Cries in the Night, More Untold Stories from the Edge, I diligently cover this matter to keep it from happening. Have you ever thought about what the Lord, God revealed to Isaiah in the book of Isaiah Chapter 40:29-31 of the NLT bible?
"He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust (wait on) in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."
The collection of verses in this chapter are veiled and filled with Spiritual Christian cryptograms. If you are feuding at me because of this discovery, it is fine because it is expected from your class. Again, in my books some of you will come to love how they are laid out and written. I almost forgot to tell you that the expressions and thoughts written in them are not my own. They were given to me.
Again, you are not going to find any other Authors writing about and claiming that the words and expressions were given to them in their books. Begin scrolling through the current spiritual books that you own, and you will find out for yourself. In fact, I can’t even think up a thought like claiming words and expressions not my own.
I wrote nine, ten and thirteen hours a day every single day including Saturday and Sundays for six, seven or eight years. Then I did it again beginning in 2019 until May 2024 revising my books. Can you believe this. What the Lord did in me is not humanly possible for me to do on my own. I wrote most of my epiphanies on 9 by 5 index cards and there were thousands of them. Guess what? They are in numerical order. How the Lord built in me to have this unbelievable system of order is beyond me.
Today, I still have them, and again, they are all still in numerical order. I can only say that the Lord gifted me with the gift of conviction and divine order as I carefully wrote what was given. One of my index fingers began swelling up really badly, and before I started writing I had to put a soft sewing thimble over it to reduce the pain.
Absolutely, nothing was going to stop me from writing and completing what the lord was doing through me. For I couldn’t quit! Did I want to quit? I do not know if it can be explained from that perspective. I was being led by an ethereal (unseen) presence and guide in my mind and body. It took control over all of my human senses and faculties by granting me another form, that was so much higher than my own and it didn't come from our dominion.
Now the question, again, is recognizing and overcoming spiritual burn out. In truth there is no such thing for real Christians if they have done what they are supposed to do in hitting the target in Jesus Christ concerning this issue.
Now, with all of this being said, you talk about exhaustion and weariness, what the Lord did through me is something I could never think about or do on my own. Did I experience from time-to-time exhaustion. Sure! But again, this uncanny type of power would swell inwardly in me and then a powerful urge would dominate me like getting runners high when jogging ten miles daily.
Some of you know exactly what I am talking about. Was I weary at times? I don’t know if it can be explained that way, for an unknown power was stimulated in me and it was not of my own and it absorb weariness. Too, it wasn’t endorphin and encephalon kicking in by itself or taking a bunch of vitamins, either. Can you believe it?
Isaiah Chapter 40:29-31, Jesus Christ initiated in me every line upon line of those several verses in which I write about in more detail in my books. And he gifted me the power and strength to move forward and achieve it; power and strength not of my own like he did with Samson.
What the Lord has done through me is not possible any other way! Who can write every single day, thirteen hours a day including Saturdays and Sundays, for ten years and then do it again for another five years about something that vast numbers think is uninspiring?
The Lord was able to capture it all through gifting me with, again, supernatural strength, conviction, power, and concentration to remain focused, because what came after me next is something that had to be written about.
Jesus our Lord and Savior caused me to sacredly experience and see how unseen demons interact and hide in all human bodies, dreams, animals, insects, water, gas, fire, air, thunder and lightning, anything that carries an electric, electromagnetic, and electrostatic charges (energy trapped in plastics), invisible things that happen on top and under the ground, our ecology, and deep space and etc.
Jesus Christ allowed me to divinely understand why demons fight to capture and rule over the blood in our bodies, day and night in another realm that very few people in the world are granted to see. Too, it was revealed to me why and how the blood must be sacredly washed in the bodies of all real Christians--- something other than singing a song about it.
I surely hope for your sake, if you are thinking this is not bible, there’s not much my books that the Lord has given me can do for you. Your ticket to a place you cannot even humanly imagine possible is already booked like those in Capernaum, Bethsaida, and Chorazin in the book of Matthew Chapter 11:20-24. These are the cities where Jesus Christ did most of his miracles. The people did not believe and did not repent. For nothing has changed for a lot of people today all over the world.
All the same, I am not talking about with what your natural eyes see, either! 2 Corinthians Chapter 4:18. Too, they are not people in voodoo or psychics, fortune-tellers, sorcerers, wizards, witches, sorceresses, astrologers, mediums, false prophet teachers and preachers or crack smokers, and etc., as well. I am talking about real Christians with Christian spiritual powers. I’m writing about what goes on 24 hours a day in our natural world in terms of what is known as demonology.
So, with that, if you are divinely doing a work for Jesus Christ and it is not your own ideas, then you do not have to worry about Spiritual burnout. For that kind of thing may happen but your focus and energy level will quickly return over, and over again. Really think about what the Lord initiated in me when you feel as if you are weary, weary. All of the spiritual formulas of what is needed next when spiritual burnout begins to arise in you are in my books.
My books offer hope, and they impart a lot of examples and solutions to a whole lot of issues a lot of Christians are facing today, without heavyweight Holy Ghost divinely filled people, if any, in the Body of Christ to assist them.
Did you know that there are only a handful in America that are heavyweights in terms of the divine carrying an anointing in their bones filled with supernatural power to help the afflicted, tormented, stricken, and plagued. Too, I hope that you do not think that I am presumptuous, rude, and arrogant and would go on record and say these kinds of things if I didn’t have an alliance in and through the Lord with evidence.
I surely hope you are not thinking what I write about is untrue. Okay, let you become stricken with terminal stage 4 Cancer, MS, Parkinson Disease, Lupus, Turrets Disease, Dystonia, or a host of a whole lot of other autoimmune illnesses. I would like to see your responses when it happens.
Surely, for goodness sake and for the Love of God, you do not think these syndromes represent the Will of God for these people's lives, do you? For vast numbers in the Body of Christ believe that foolishness. Now you must show how strong you are through the Fruits of the Spirit starting with meekness, self-control, and longevity in fighting off this syndrome for the Lord.
Too, for these kinds of people, this is how they show love, kindness, patience, faithfulness, peace, joy, and gentleness in how you are to partner with these syndromes to show Jesus your great humility. Lord have mercy! What has the Body of Christ become today…..