The Importance of Prayer and Meditation in Your Daily Routine

The Importance of Prayer and Meditation in Your Daily Routine

Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Tony Rowland.  Today’s message is about the importance of Prayer and Meditation in your Daily Routine.  In my first book, which is days from being released, Silent Cries in the Night, untold Stories from the Edge.  I stun my readers by explaining through daily testimonials exactly what happened to me.  I did not setup my time when to pray or the prayer hour.  For several years I did not miss a day.  This is all explained in my books.  And, too, I could not do this prayer thing by myself. The Lord taught and did it through me. 

Meditation through the mouth and hands of Jesus Christ is nothing like humans could ever think about and know.  Meditation that is empty and void is a type of what many call relaxation that they feel as serene music, calm, and a peaceful moment in the atmosphere.  This is absolutely not inward spiritual meditation through real Christianity from above.  It is the exact opposite of. 

Spiritual Meditation in the name of Jesus Christ is a super spiritual gift given to only a very few people in the world.  It is not something stagnant and quiet, either.  All I can tell you is, this form of meditation that Jesus Christ initiates is delicious and awesome!  Nothing in this world can compete against it.

Can you imagine in your mind just a blimp sound that you might find irritating.  Although, Christ Jesus can turn that sound into a musical heavenly one that you are willing to die for to get another chance to hear and feel.  Why?  For it is a heavenly and angelic note (sound).  Others can hear the same irritating sound but miss completely the angelic and heavenly chord.  This is caused because of something having to do with their hearing.

I have some awesome testimonials to tell you about and they are written in my books, and they all blew my mind into another time and origin.   I thought nothing like this was supposed to happen to human beings and how can this be?

I thought about how I got onto this road.  It began with me reading a book called, A Divine Revelation from Hell.  What this author was talking about in her book was a huge leap for me.  For she was talking about an out of body experience that she had for 30 days in hell.  She was awakened between the hours of 2 and 5 a.m.  This is the same time I’m awakened in the early morning too, but her spirit was taken to hell doing these hours.  In truth, her true destiny and purpose in this life was to write about what she saw in hell in book form.  She describes in vivid detail what she saw in hell.  In truth, I couldn’t believe any of it.  My Church doctrine just wouldn’t allow me too.  The only problem was what she wrote about in vivid detail of those in hell, I had been dreaming about all my life.  I thought I was only having nightmares like any other person would say.

Again, the only problem was that what I had dreamt about was what she saw in hell.  And this horrified me beyond anything you can know!!!  Still, I was having a difficulty with what she was saying, because I didn't at the time believe in out-of-body experiences even though I had them before.  I thought she was a psychic, medium, or a person in sorcery.  In all, this is the way I understood what she was saying in her book. 

She said, how do you know that you are saved.  Did you experience anything in your body that was not from this dominion when you were baptized or right before your baptism?  Did you spiritually experience anything not from this world?  Did you experience any form of fire flowing through you like those in the book of Acts experienced when the tongues of fire fell on them to assure you of your baptism in the Holy Spirit? 

Then she said, you could have been baptized by a false prophet minister, teacher, evangelist, bishop, reverend, preacher, and etc. and not gotten inwardly what you were supposed to receive in the spirit.

All of my testimonials are in my book, so stay tuned in, because also, I write about a class of people all over the world that seems to think they have insomnia.  They are awakening between the hours of 2 and 5 a.m. and many of them are unable to fall back to sleep.

Now, you might think, what is the difference between what Mary k Baxter wrote in her books from my books.  And yes, there is a difference.  Mary wrote about what she saw in hell.  In my compilations of books like "Silent cries in the Night untold Stories from the Edge," I give the reader a thorough roadmap of how to avoid hell, and along the way you will discover what your divine destiny and purpose is in Jesus Christ. 

Also, did you know that there is a vast number of people in the Body of Christ, all over the world, that feel as if something is still missing in their lives even though they have heard the word preached, believed, repented, confessed, and was baptized?  Did you know that you have a target in Jesus Christ that must be met and hit squarely in him?  This and much, much more is what my books are about, and to assure you divinely that you are on target with inward evidence like those in the book of Acts experienced.  


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