Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Tony Rowland. Today’s blog is about the importance of scripture in your spiritual journey. Please do not think I am the barrier of bad News, because I am not! I know my blogs may sound contrary to that, for the Christian Church is in a mess today. In terms of the spiritual signs, wonders, and miracles like Hebrew Chapter 2:4 in the NLT decrees and declares that it must be demonstrated, for most that is a hoax.
“God has always shown us that these messages are true by signs, and wonders, by various miracles and by given certain special abilities from the holy spirit to those who believe; yes, god has assigned such gifts to each of us.”
All the same, I hope that you are not thinking these are only snippets from the bible and it doesn’t give the full context of the chapter. In my books, I give full account of why the bible is nothing but one divine verse, after the next.
Some of you are going to be angry and others enraged at your current reverend, minister, high priest, bishop, preacher, teacher, cardinal, and etc.. For they cannot produce what they don’t have in Jesus Christ, in terms of spiritual divine power and what some call the Anointing. In fact, most of them think that what I am writing about should be classified as a big prank!
Others have never heard of the Anointing preached. Vast numbers all over the world have never heard of the Anointing spoken about or what the holy spirit is. They have no clue what that is. Then you have those that think anyone that speaks about the Anointing in our era is sacrilege and blasphemous. These all claim to be real Christians, too.
On the other matter that needs to be fully understood, that being the bible is in code or what they call mysteries, one piece right after the next. In my books, I give full scriptural accounts and explanations why. If I was you, I wouldn’t be good with what others say about receiving something different every time they read the bible.
At this point, I question how they received the first wave of thoughts about bible scripture. For every time you read it, you believe that you get a different view and better understanding than before. All I am going to say is this is very, very dangerous and it WILL BACKFIRE on you when all is said. Why? It has something to do with you being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine in Ephesians Chapter 4:13-14.
“Until finally we all believe alike about our salvation and about our Savior, god’s Son, and all become full-grown in the Lord-yes, to the point of being filled full with Christ.
Then we will no longer be like children, forever changing our minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different or has cleverly lied to us and made the lie sound like the truth.”
You see, I am not like most in the Body of Christ. I am not presumptuous like most, I knew I couldn’t understand the bible, and I read it cover to cover (Genesis to Revelation), over and over again, beginning when I was in my mid-teens. I didn’t understand any of it. I would read every day, and rarely did I miss for I know for years. Guess what? When I tried to read the book of Romans, I couldn’t understand any of it, either. I tried studying with others, but I was always left empty. I desperately desired to know what those experienced in their bodies when the Spirit of the Lord fell on them and produced Christian spiritual anomalies.
Today, only am I able to fully articulate these kinds of words and expressions to you, for a lot of people today are in the same shape that I was then, but I couldn't put it unto words until now.
In fact, I would throw the bible against the wall because I was so frustrated, for I had no clue what a holy spirit was. For I had never witness any spiritual signs and wonders, as the book of Acts claims, in my church that I could stick a folk into that could match up with the bible for me to believe. That wasn’t a creed or doctrine that I was taught about ever in the Christian church I attended.
The thought of Spiritual epiphanies worked into Christians today of where I went to church was thought to be voodooism, if there was such a thing. You bet not be caught speaking in tongues or professing that you have divine/supernatural gifts that can help people stricken by the devil. That would be interpreted as a joke or prank!
The Christian spiritual experience, like those in the bible had, was totally void in me and that was because of my church’s blameworthiness doctrine. Why? Because I had no spiritual experience that I, again, could stick a fork into. So, void of a sacred experience in Jesus Christ automatically sponsors disobedience. Did you know that. And your church doctrine may be the perpetrator behind you not receiving the sacred experience, if you don't spiritually figure out how to receive it.
In my books, I write about how the Lord showed me how to keep from getting entangled in this phony maze in the church that looks divine, but it's not. The maze has trapped billons of people in the church for centuries, for they cannot detect spiritually between lights, because there are two.
My books will help you untangle the maze and pull the light source and everything else back together, just by zipping up the right cord. It will be that easily, if you carefully take the recommendations the Lord Jesus has given me to give to you, in order to understand the journey of how to divinely interpret and understand the bible with evidence.