Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Tony Rowland. Today’s subject is overcoming doubt and finding certainty in your faith. First, I began by stating that you cannot find certainty in your faith if you do not know exactly how faith is divinely worked inside the human body to confirm.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Kjv..Hebrew Chapter 11:1. This chapter and verse are in a deeply sealed Christian cryptogram. If this chapter and verse was fed into Artificial Intelligence memory it would give a very hazy and vague explanation about faith.
AI’s definition of faith is not anything meaty that you can stick a fork into like what I am about to explain. So how can you trust any of its biblical explanations when the miraculous signs, wonders, and miracles are off the table. All the same, it is impossible to know how faith is to work inside your body unless Jesus Christ reveals it.
In the same way that Abraham put Isaac on the alter and it was revealed to him, by the Lord, to slay him and offer him as a sacrifice. And as Abraham was about to slay him on the altar of sacrifice, for the love of God; at that very moment he was about to run him through, as a result of being obedient, the Lord God revealed to him suddenly not too! Hebrew Chapter 11:17-19.
Why did the Lord, God of the Israelites do this? The Lord was testing Abraham’s faith inwardly. Can you sacredly understand this process? Today, psychologists and those in the medical community would instantly believe that Abraham was mentally ill and/or dealing with a serious psychotic kind of issue for that kind of conviction and trust. Although, this is a huge, huge Christian ethereal sign and example of inward/endogenous big faith with evidence produced by something that was unseen.
Did you know that Divine Faith is actually a Super-Supernatural spiritual gift given only to a few that are virtuous and overcomers in Jesus Christ? The gift of faith is not a commercial Christian phenomenon given to all Christians in the Body of Christ like most think. I am writing about the same gift that Noah, Abraham, and Solomon were granted.
I am writing about the gifts spoken about in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 of the New Testament. Vast numbers in the Body of Christ all over the world have made a critical error concerning this big faith account, since the first Church of Antioch in Christianity.
Once more, the Gift of faith is a special Super Spiritual Gift given to a special class of overcomers. Did you know that? Do not believe for a minute that everyone in the Body of Christ has this big faith ability. Otherwise, it would overturn those of little faith and by the measure of faith given sentiment. One piece of noteworthy scripture is Matthew Chapter 8:23-27 and 1 Corinthians Chapter 12:29-31 in the nlt concerning this matter.
You cannot but breed doubt when you can’t decern in your bones when Divine Faith is working. You will only play Russian Roulette and Spin the bottle with your faith, if what you are believing in cannot be confirmed from on high. Your own intellect and intelligence will become your God. This is fatal! Do you want to make the Lord angry, angry!
Utilizing your own intellect and substituting it for the spirit of God (holy spirit) will do it. Can you understand this? The false Prophet, Priest, Preacher, Reverend, Bishop, Minister and the ill-fated Unanointed and etc. are truthfully the guilty party behind this conceit (self-love) all over the world.
They are the ones that you shadow and listen to daily, including talk radio. Then your prayer partner may be your other problem. For many prayer partners have turned into Goats. Goats cannot hear the miraculous call in Jesus Christ no matter what they say!
In my 2nd book called Silent Cries in the Night, More Untold Stories from the Edge, I write exclusively about this hearing issue problem that many have no clue about in the Body of Christ. The problem is, I’m not talking about hearing with your personal physical ears. There is another story that is hidden about exactly how the human body in the spirit is to function daily, and this is going to blow so many minds of people in the world away.
There is a valid explanation why scientists claim that humans only use about ten percent of their brainpower. Although on the internet you will find hundreds of reasons. All that I have read are fantasies and falsehoods, and they are very hilarious.
In another book called The Fallout that will be released in the upcoming months, I explain why humans only use about 5 to 10 percent of their brainpower. This and more was revealed to me by an invisible deity named Jesus Christ. Can you believe?