The Problem with judging others in Christianity

Hello, welcome to my blog.  My name is Tony Rowland. Today’s subject revolves around, The Problem with Judging Others in Christianity.  Do you think that judging others is a sin in Christianity? 

If you say yes, then you must cancel out the entire book of Judges and 1 Corinthians Chapter 5:12-13.  This chapter goes like this: A man was doing some horrible things, like having sex with his father’s wife and the Church knew about it and they did nothing.  In jest, the Lord was furious with them.  In verse 12-13 in the Living New Testament, it says:

 “It isn’t our job to judge outsiders.  But it certainly is our job to judge and deal strongly with those who are members of the church, and who are sinning in these ways.  God alone is the Judge of those on the outside; but as scripture say, you yourselves must deal with this man and put him out of your church."

Also, you must slay Matthew Chapter 7:1-5 in the kjv version as well if some in the body of Christ aren’t given this ability (judging), for it will have no meaning.  Why?  Get yourself right with Jesus Christ first before you start correcting others.  The only way this can be accomplished is developing a deeply inward relationship with Christ Jesus that is mutual. 

The problem with this is that most don’t know how.  Too, without any signs or wonders to assure you that the mote in your brother’s eye is caste, as spiritual evidence, how can you be so certain that the beam in you has been divinely lifted and dealt with by Jesus Christ.

Also, please allow me to remind you that the judging issue can be very dicey.  For much of the Christian churches’ foundation is built on the premise of judging.  I’m sorry, but that is who she is.... 

The gift of Discernment is a huge Super divine gift.  It is nothing but a gift of judging the people in the Body of Christ like Jesus Christ, Solomon, King David, Moses, Elijah, The Magi, and Simenon had.  Please, let me repeat again, everyone in the Body of Christ does not have this sacred ability, no matter what they say. 

This is what has beaten down the church since its inception.  Most will despise me for writing this.  Vast numbers in the Body of Christ are deluded and the sad part is they don’t know it.  In my books you will read how most of this has happened and why it is so important that some reevaluate their spirituality, before it is too late. 

The church and some people in it having the judging (discernment) gift, is again, who she is.  You cannot carve this pivotal and important part out from this huge puzzle.  So many of you have no idea what you are leaving on the table here on earth.  Do you really believe that Jesus Christ would undergo what he went through and leave us baron and empty handed after his crucifixion? 

Come on, give Christ Jesus more credit than that!  Some of you are going to be shocked, mystified, and others amazed while reading my books of what is going to take place on the inside of your bodies that is going to be awesome.  There are no other authors that can even write about or think of a thing of such as I am claiming.  So, get ready!  And put on your seatbelt, because this will be an awesome ride if you don’t get sidetracked by others.

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