The Relationship between Faith and Science Fiction

The Relationship between Faith and Science Fiction

Hello, welcome to my blog.  My name is Tony Rowland.  What I write about today revolves around the relationship between Faith and Science Fiction.  This subject matter is a pressure-cooker type title, for it is filled with what may appear to be science fiction within the boundary of Christianity, but 100 percent isn’t.  However, the connection between faith and science fiction can be really ugly to the carnal Christian.

In my book, called Revealed, that the Lord gave me the words and expressions written in it.  It covers, extensively, day-by-day epiphanies that you will read about that happened to me.  In fact, divine faith when trying to be understood by carnal Christians is indeed science fiction when read through their lenses. 

Can you see what Apostle Paul had to go through trying to explain to the carnal Christians in Corinth what he experienced in the third heavens?  In 2 Corinthians Chapter 12:2-4 Apostle Paul writes to us a kind of sketchy view of an out-of-body experience (OBE).

"I was caught up to the third heaven fourteen years ago.  Whether I was in my body or out of my body, I don’t know-only God knows.  Yes, only God knows whether I was in my body or outside my body.  But I do know that I was caught up to paradise and heard things so astounding that they cannot be expressed in words, things no human is allowed to tell."  

First, I need to tell you that this piece of scripture is veiled to the carnal (ordinary) eye.  Do I know people that have had OBE?  Sure.  But a lot of them can barely explain their epiphanies to me.  I have to help them along the way many times with exactly what they are trying to explain.  Jesus Christ has given me that ability.  And it is mystifying, a lot of time, to the Christian giving me the account.

Anyhow, St. Paul could not really go into detail about what he’d experienced.  During that age, there wasn’t technology known as the kinds we have.  St. Paul had to be very shallow in his descriptions about what was happening to him to keep the people from saying that he was a crazy man.

During Apostle Paul’s generation, they were not words like Astro-projections or OBEs to use in their daily discussions.  So, that is why his words sounded so vague.  Out of body experiences can be difficult to really perceive, and you cannot at times recognize what happened.  Although you know something huge and of the spiritual paranormal took place that you were caught up in. When reading my books, the Lord has given me to share with you, I again cover this entire subject title.  Please, do not think I can discuss something in the divine if I have not experienced it.  I want to make you very aware of this because this is our Goliath problem with people, all over the world, in the ministry.  They have no sacred testimony and experience that we can stick a sacred fork into to test their spiritual identity at the door. 

Finally, we know that St. Paul had a huge epiphany that was out of body because in the end of his testimony he says, “But I do know that I was caught up to paradise and heard things so astounding that they cannot be expressed in words, things no human is allowed to tell.” 

I will tell you this.  Today, there are a vast number of people throughout the world that are having out-of-body experiences, and they are not psychics and mediums, and etc. either. The problem with this is, they are being transported to hell in deep space with a long rope tied around their waist. 

The long rope is connected to something which I am not authorized to tell you yet.  The person is moved to a type of blackhole that rotates counterclockwise.  A lot of people that have OBEs are actually being shipped to hell too, all which I write about in my books.  Too, I will give you bible scripture to match up with what I am writing about, so there won’t be any confusion.

So, there is no line that can be drawn and understood between divine faith and science fiction when the carnal minded does not have the spiritual faculties built within to detect the difference.  For in the end there is no relationship between true, true faith and science fiction.  Why?  They are at odds with one another because one is truth and the other science fiction.

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