The Relationship between Science and Religion

The Relationship between Science and Religion

Hello, welcome to my blog.  My name is Tony Rowland.  Today’s discussion revolves around the relationship between science and religion. This topic is a significant challenge that needs careful consideration within Christianity, or else it may face extinction.  Why?  Christianity and Science are at odds with one another in the same way that Light does not have any fellowship with darkness.   2 Corinthians 6:14 revised standard bible.

Do not be mismated with unbelievers. For what partnership have righteousness and iniquity?  Or what fellowship has light with darkness?”

Science cannot advocate for something that it doesn’t have the ability to utilize logic, intellect, own senses, personal judgment or five instincts with.  In my book, The Lost Message and Ministry of Jesus Christ, I stimulate the readers minds in how the mind can divinely be designed to understand and interpret spiritual Christians texts, signs, wonders, and miracles.  

The problem is, if you saw someone raised from the dead, healed miraculously of Cancer, MS, Parkinson Disease, or any other autoimmune illnesses, you would not be able to interpret it alone and believe.  In one of my books that is a part of the Fallout trilogy called Expose`, it is another to die for read.  The Lord has broken all of this down to me why the mind cannot function and truly understand spiritual things unless it is dealt with personally by Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The lord, Jesus Christ has taught me how bible scripture must be understood especially texts that are deeply veiled (sealed and coded).  I surely hope that you are not under the deceit that the bible is not enshrouded (hidden; mysteries) one piece of bible text, after the next.

Science has its own methods and laws of how anything is to be understood in chemistry, biology, physics, or any other science.  It begins with observation by using your own two eyes, hearing, feelings, thinking, and smelling.  This is the basic instincts of humans, and we all are built with this in us. 

Although in Christianity, we have our own methods and laws too, in how we are to understand the divine and spiritual things.  It begins with us positioning ourselves to receive our own renewed mind.  This is promised if we seek the Lord with all of our mind, soul and strength and hit the target in Jesus Christ. And it has its own basic instincts that are spiritual and of the Spirit.  What the Lord is saying is that the Holy Spirit has its own basic five instincts, too, that are contrary to all humans own five instincts.

People, what has been written is extreme in terms of its acuity.  You can play around with this all you like and miss out on the most wonderful blessing Christianity has to offer since Jesus Christ, because of your presumptuousness thinking.

Next, I have written some on this already in my other blogs.  It has to do with Artificial Intelligence.  If we do not get a handle on AI, science will become our God, and the paper bible will become extinct and vanished. 

You will find yourselves running around town with a cell phone computer that has the ability to change and rip down anything that has to do with the supernatural and its signs, marvels, and miracles written about in the paperback holy bible, in the drop of a hat.  The false prophet teacher will choke the spirit life out of you, and there will be nothing you will be able to do about it!

America will become just like what we saw in the movie, The Book of Eli.

Carnegie (Gary Oldman), the false prophet in the movie almost was able to get his hands on the last copy of a printed English holy bible, because the people in the world burned them all.  Instead, he stole a holy bible written in braille from Eli (Denzel Washington) who was guarding it with his life. 

Carnegie liked to have had lost his mind and had a heart attack along with it when he discovered it was in braille!  Why?  He knew he was not going to be able to control the people in the towns minds like he wanted, by having them just give him their hard earn money through tiding to his false prophet ministry, in the name of giving to God.  For the people thinks God understands where their heart is.  So, they feel vindicated in their minds that what they are doing is justifiable and the right thing to do, in the end.

Do any of you remember the movie The Terminator and how machines and Artificial Intelligence almost took over the world?  While just like in that movie, you may think as a Science Fiction spectacular.  Instead of just trying to kill all humans with an atomic bomb; why not obliterate the holy bible first and then use the Atom Bomb next.  This will assure AI that humans also will lose their salvation and be with their father the Devil.  So, this is a double whammy for the evil one.  WoW!
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