The Role of the Holy Spirit in Your Spiritual Journey

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Your Spiritual Journey

Hello, my name is Tony Rowland.  Welcome to my blog.  Today’s discussion revolves around the role of the Holy Spirit in your spiritual journey. This topic has many implications and suggestions tied to it due to the different viewpoints and ideas presented by various Churches regarding the Holy Spirit.

Now, the reason I can stand firm in my thoughts concerning this issue is before my Holy Ghost experience, I didn’t even know what a Holy Spirit/Ghost was.  It's worth noting that many faith-based churches across America don't speak about the Holy Spirit/Ghost, and some denominational Churches are even afraid of the Holy Ghost.  

As you walk with the Lord and me in my first book, Silent Cries in the Night: Untold Stories from the Edge, you will read about each of my encounters with Jesus Christ and how he found me in day-by-day accounts.  In fact, I was stunned beyond anything that can be humanly understood when the Lord inwardly touched me.

Now, we have a huge problem in America that is strictly spiritual, and it is so discouraging too. Maybe, you do not believe the Lord speaks to people today.  Okay, I'm good with that, because I thought the same thing too.  In fact, I would smolder when someone start talking about the Lord said this and that!  I was raised in a church, as a child up, that if anyone spoke about the Lord speaking audibly or in any other way, beside the word of God in the bible, was an abomination.  So again, I can see where you are coming from.  The problem with this church I belong to for over 40 years was they were in error, but they were vastly unaware of it.

That is all I'm going to write about this issue of the Lord speaking to some people today because he does not speak to everyone, like a lot of people in the church thinks.  I will tell you that the evil one does talk to people every day in the Body of Christ all day long.  The problem is only a very few people can recognize the evil one speaking, in which I delve deeply into my books about how he does.  The horrifying problem with this is that vast numbers of people in the Church will swear on a stack of bibles of what they dreamt last night was Jesus Christ speaking to them, when actually it was the Beast. 

This is just one example out of thousands.  In fact, there are untold numbers of times that Lucifer talks to people, not only in their dreams, but in important discussions in bible class or any other spiritual venue.  In a Church atmosphere is where he loves to blind side the people the most. 

So, this is the catch-22 for a lot of people in the Body of Christ, for this problem is rampant.  So, what has the church done about it?  Vast numbers of denominational Churches discourage people of talking about their dreams or they make it an abomination or a form of mockery to talk about dreams in bible class or in any other venue.  Why is this.  For the Church is not set up right, beginning with the false and unanointed priest, preacher, teacher, minister and etc. in the pulpit.  How can the Church move forward? It can't!  

When you hear Church leaders talking about dreams are unreliable and they cannot be trusted, trust me when I say this:  Dreams and visions are the foundations that the Christian Church is built upon.  To slay dreams and visions out of the Christian discussion is to slay the book of Genesis, 1 & 2 Corinthians, and Revelations.  You are shutting down two forms of communication between God above and Christians, because you can't get it right with Jesus Christ.  This is only for starters of a few books slayed, because when most Churches can't understand the bible, immediately the process of slaying is proscribed.  So, you cannot expect signs, wonders and miracles to be on display in your Church if that happens.  No way, No how!  

I was revealed something that the Lord is going to do to us in America in 2003, because so many churches in this country are unwavering in their denial of the power that the Holy Spirit possesses for the people, because they have never witness it.  

It was revealed to me that other countries in the World are going to get a hold of my books, and they are going to turn Christian, almost overnight.  I am writing about countries all over the world that you consider deeply heathen and would never ever dream about them turning Christian.  These countries are going to show us up and make us look like we are a third world country, in terms of the Divine.  These countries will become prosperous and wealthy almost overnight because the Lord God, Jesus Christ will make this happen for them.

There will be mass miracles, (the dead raise) wonders, and all kinds of signs and healing crusades too, for the people, like what we read about in the New Testament, but on a much larger scale.  Something unlike what you have ever witnessed is about to happen right in front of your faces, America.  Those in the Christian Church in America are about to be filled with unknown jealousy! 

The Lord is going to make you envious and again, filled with an unknown jealousy! My heart breaks as I write these lines to you, for you will pain in your heart because these countries that we detest will be praised.  So, I’m telling you this as a stark warning because the Lord is still confirming this with me today and that was 20 years ago.    

Some of you can be giddy and laugh all you like, but if something is not done quickly in America concerning our shipwrecked position in terms of the Celestial and Divine that should be rumbling all over the place in American Churches; we are about to be ridiculed and mocked, by not only third world countries, but by powerful ones too.

These countries will look at the American Church in a much more malign and disgust than it has ever known.  Please America, we must get a handle on what we are up against!  We can pull ourselves out of this muck that the false prophet teachers, psychics, mediums, priests, preachers, ministers, evangelists and etc. have dug a giant hole for us. We don't need to end up like a lot of heathen nations that were caught in the cross hairs when the Israelites in the Old Testament devoured their lands in their journey in capturing part of their lands.     

I am writing about men and women in the ministry that have not been called, chosen or sent like Saint Paul, St. Peter or John in the book of Revelations.  Otherwise, many are call to the ministry, but few are chosen is a hoax.  Matthew Chapter 22:14.

I know that in this chapter and verse is about the wedding feast.  However, the overall deep and divine textual meaning to give an account to this encrypted piece of scripture that Jesus Christ was talking about were the people in the ministry that showed up who were not called or chosen to be there.  And they were ineligible to be guests at the feast.  Actually, they climbed over the wall and sneaked into the feast.  

Also, in the book of John Chapter 10 in the New Living Translation which is also encrypted.  What do I mean by encrypted?  You must have the special gift of wise advice and special knowledge to unveil its sacred meaning, and there must be divine signs as evidence to the reader, if what you say is divine.  Why? 

You must be examined and tested at the door to show your celestial identity and spiritual evidence of who you are.  The Divine sign will be our evidence that the Lord chose you and your divine calling, chosen and sent rank and if you are a divine part of the Shepard fold. 

Also, you must not forget that the bible is in mysteries and about people having one supernatural and spiritual experience after the next, starting with the book of Genesis to Revelation. 

Another thing you must not forget is that if you have not done what you are duty bound to do in Jesus Christ in hitting the target in him, you are ineligible to receive a divine confirmation of good that is so needed to move forward.  Otherwise, you will be sandbagged and/or tricked by the false prophet teacher, high priest, cardinal, bishop reverend, minister, medium, psychic, new age, spiritist, astrologer, palm reader and etc. 

Also, beware of the mediums and their half brother and sister voodoo doctors, sorcerers, tarot readers, and etc. because they flirt with the supernatural.  But what they do is the opposite end of good which means bad.  This is what you are up against in the spiritual game of life, which again has costly consequences if your choices are upended.  Once more, the Lord has given me a broad understanding of what the Christians in the Body of Christ all over the world are up against, and if something is not done quickly, all will be lost.

Thus goes another generation of people lost.  I surely hope you understand what that means.  If not, I will tell you.  Another (ours) generation of people in the church scattered all over the world destine for the pit.  

" I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber!  But the one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.  The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him.  He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.  After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice.  They won't follow a stranger; they will run from him because they don't know his voice."

This piece of scripture is sealed very tightly, and if you have not done what you are duty-bound to do in the Lord, you will not understand the interpretation divinely or in experience. Thus, you will give a routine and ordinary explanation which has blinding and costly consequences in the spirit if digested.  For there is no other way to understand this piece when it is purified in mysteries, and you have no sacred experience to cover you.

In my books that the Lord has given me the words and expression written, I delve deeply into how you are to receive what you need to receive divinely in order to believe in an author's or preachers work, if it is from Jesus Christ. 

Otherwise, you cannot believe what I write about is sacred.  There is no way!  Why?  Your intellect, intelligence and 5 senses will all get in the way.  This is a spirit-to-spirit element, and it has its own laws and ruling, and you will get nothing when reading my books trying to do it your way.  Is this fair enough. 

I remember a movie that I kept watching over, and over again.  I could not get enough of watching this cinematic block buster. It was called, The Great Wall staring Matt Damon, Jing Tian, Willem Dafoe and many others.  The movie is about Matt Damon imprisoned within the Great Wall in China.  He soon discovers one of the greatest wonders of the world.  "As wave after wave of marauding beasts besiege the massive structure, his quest for fortune turns into a journey toward heroism as he joins a huge army of elite warriors to confront the unimaginable and seemingly unstoppable force." 

Guess what?  The Lord revealed to me, this movie is the perfect model of how The Great Wall looks to him as the false teacher ministers, high priests, bishops, preachers, reverends, psychics, mediums, and etc all over the world attack (climb over it) it, instead of waiting on him to call, choose, and appoint them, if called.  By the way, this portrayal has its true genesis in the book of Nehemiah as The Great Wall was being rebuilt.

At least the marauding beasts could recognize and know physically, as a result of a telepathic transponder that was built in each of them, that they were being called, chosen and sent to do the bidding (killing) for their God.  But today, most preachers and teachers all over the world that are in the ministry utilize another source for their guide and rule for their appointment.  It's called hunches and guesses as their source to approve their appointment and pass in Jesus Christ.  Then they call it a day, not knowing they are false apostles, priests and etc going from town-to-town marauding (killing) the sheep, and some of them having no clue what they do!  

We cannot get around the fact that the false teacher prophets are viewed in the same light as the marauding beasts were in the movie.  This movie is a must see, too!  Now, maybe this model can give you a clearer picture of what has happened to the Body of Christ in terms of the miraculous.

Why do you think this has happened?  The false prophet bets their life on Matthew Chapter 28:18-20.

"Jesus came and told his disciples, "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.  Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.  And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Now with that, vast numbers of Church preachers and priests in the Body of Christ believe this is their pass, and they haven't climbed over The Great Wall unlawfully.  They truly believe this is their ticket to preach the word of God all over the world because the Lord told them so in this chapter and verse.  The problem with this is that they all interpret the word 'GO' as a plural, meaning many and all because go can mean singular or plural.  So, in this situation they have opted out with it meaning plural to fit their description to approve their pass.  Again, the false prophet understands that this line of scripture from a pluralistic position, instead of it being singular.  Why is that.  The false prophet does not hear audibly from Jesus Christ, so they cannot but only use their intellect and empty research in what they think is in acquiring him.  

Jesus Christ was speaking about a singular call, not all or anyone that has a desire, feel led, suspect belief, or have a feeling because their father, grandfather or mother was a preacher.  Why?  They have not been called, chosen or sent and trained like St. Paul, St. Peter, or John in the book of Revelation that was called, chosen, and sent.  If you listen to the false teachers form and how they claim as their ticket to preach, it then makes unimportant and not worth mentioning how the Apostles and Disciples were appointed, trained and sent by Jesus Christ to trigger signs, wonders and miracles. 

The false prophet teacher believes any and everyone is called to be a prophet and make disciples of all nations they think that is needed.  It does matter if trained or not by Jesus Christ's spirit because in their minds that is the job of the bible and the Holy Spirit.  The Unanointed and the false prophet never considers the fact that their own ideas, intellect and intelligence is not the Holy Spirit.   

Now, regarding the state of the Church in America, it only takes a few people in each state to get on board. What do you say?

Now, the role of the Holy Spirit in your journey is everything.  It is actually who you are, but that is if your soul has been sacredly split, and your spirit activated by Lord Jesus.  Then your spirit must be fed daily with evidence.  Otherwise, your spirit will remain in a place of dormancy (deep sleep) or what they call a dead state, and you will not have a clue or know the difference.   All of this I cover in my 8-book series.  The Lord has taught me how to help Christians activate and nourish their spirits daily.  Also, the Lord has given me the ability to discern what state their spirits are in to keep from it moving back to a dormant state again, with evidence.  Can you believe it?

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