Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Tony Rowland. Today, what I write about is a matter that no one human that is in the body of Christ will ever be able to get around. It is the matter of forgiveness. For all of the bible support columns are cut from and molded together of forgiveness material.
Did you know that you cannot even enter the kingdom of heaven unless you forgive people? Did you know that the foundation of heaven is built on the cornerstone of forgiveness? That’s if you believe in the weight and value of what Matthew Chapter 6:14 & 5:44 has to say about this inalienable proverb for your life.
"Your heavenly father will forgive you if you forgive those who sin against you; but if you refuse to forgive them, he will not forgive you."
"But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and persecute you."
Surely, there is a very valid explanation why the Lord would canonize this very difficult proverb to be the cornerstone to enter into heaven. For many many even in the Church, this forgiveness thing is very hard for them to do because of so many horrible transgressions that people can do to you and your family. Again, forgiveness for a lot of people can be the most difficult action they can try to accomplish. Why is that? For it is not to be done alone on your own.
For vast numbers, if you are not on any speaking terms with the lord, and you cannot discern his presence, trying to forgive someone and bless them with fidelity is next to impossible. I am only writing about horrible, horrible afflictions done against you and your loved ones.
You will read in my books all of the pre-ordained difficult occurrences that were in actuality divine challenges set in place for me to overcome to teach me and others. The Lord taught me how to overcome and forgive people no matter what the circumstances were. Too, I could not forgive people in my own strength. That was impossible, for me, to do alone! Can you understand this? An unseen deity of good (The Helper) stepped in to assist me and it was physical. Can you believe it?
In Matthew Chapter 5:45-48, there is a sacred explanation why the Lord continues to illustrate why we are to stride very persistently in this cause. In verse 48 Matthew states, “But you are to be perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect.
For some, this may read, again, psychotic! And it is, without being given any help by the helper. Matthew states that we are to be perfect as the heavenly father was. You might question yourself and backslide to what the world may define what being perfect is in Jesus Christ and that would be: We must do the best that we can. Question? Is there a difference between these two sayings?
What is my point? You cannot do any sort of work or anything in Jesus Christ unless he draws and facilitate you, anyway. Any other way is working in your own strength and not his Holy Ghost strength. The Lord Jesus recognizing that most all of you in the body of Christ have difficulty with understanding this flesh and strength operative thing, because 99 percent of the priest and preachers cannot articulate how it works in the human body. Why?
The unanointed and the false prophet teacher cannot talk about something they have never spiritually experienced. So, this is why understanding the strength and flesh spiritual phenomena is so cloudy and unresolved when spoken about in the Body of Christ.
Do you know this is the overarching battle that is being wage between denominations in Christianity today? For many, many cannot make the distinction between what strengths they are using. So, they conclude that the war in Ephesus Chapter 6 is finished, and we are to caste our weaponry to the side, because there is no need, for it doesn't work any longer.