Hello, welcome to my blog, again. My name is Tony Rowland. Today, I will begin discussing another extremely contentious subject. With that being said, absolutely nothing is as worse in Christianity as being led by a False teacher Prophet, Reverend, Preacher, Priest, Cardinal, Minister, Bishop, etc. Otherwise, it would overturn and uproot Matthew Chapter 15:13-14 of the Blind leading the Blind.
He answered, “Every plant which my Heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. Leave them alone; they are the blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind, both will fall into the Pit."
This tiny section of scripture has backbreaking consequences if nothing changes in the convert to Christ. Although, all of this depends on if you believe that this scripture is relevant and how connected and germane it is in your overall walk in Christ Jesus. What many, many in the Body of Christ today really desires to do is to make Jesus Christ’s words as perjury (lying under oath), for they do not know how this chapter and verse applies to them. Why? For they cannot get their minds around this tiny section and its divine meaning. So, they ignore it.
They have no idea that the Lord wasn’t kidding or dismissive about this falling into the Pit thing (hell). So, they fantasize and create fancy ideas and philosophies around this chapter and verse to satisfy their personal thoughts. For wildly and irrationally following the lead of someone else’s views that shapes who you are and what you think and will become by someone that isn’t appointed by Christ Jesus to the ministry has irrevocable costs. This Christian Spiritual thing is so much broader and extensive than what can be humanly understood, without our captain Jesus Christ ruling completely over our spiritual minds and bodies with evidence.
Why would the Lord allow this piece of scripture to be canonized in the bible if it wasn’t critical to our Christian experience and walk? So many often look parenthetically (passing) at this chapter and verse. Never once does it ever occur to their minds that the blind priest, teacher, or preacher can assist them when they are clinically spiritually blind (dead) themselves. Also, for a vast number in the Body of Christ, divine sight and vision in the spirit has no meaning because they believe anyone can be a Bishop, Cardinal, Reverend, teacher, preacher and etc., if they believe they are being called or led into the priesthood. Once more, this small section of the bible has mind blowing consequences!
Why? Exactly, what can the blind teacher teach you? Surely, you do not believe that they can teach you how the Super-Spiritual side is worked in you and in the bible when they cannot see. That is so far, far away from their understanding and ability that they will question your sanity and power of reasoning. They will gaslight you as fast as the cock crows three times! They can only teach you conspiracy theories, lies and inaccuracies about deep biblical text that require powerful Anointing by the Holy Ghost to unveil. For that is all they have in them to give is void and empty, because this is their God.
Most have no knowledge about what the Anointing is nor have many in the Church ever heard of it. For some, talking about someone today having an anointing is blasphemy. This is a huge sin in these people's eyes. Why? Only, Jesus Christ, apostles, disciples, and the prophets of the Old and New Testament carried that mantal, so they say. So, how can they tell us anything about Heaven or Hell or what happens in between it? They have no sacred testimonies that can be tested by the Spirit of God's hand to assure us they are men and women, again that are called, chosen, and sent to ministry for yours and mines behalf.
How can they tell us how to get to heaven when they have never known the Spirit of God and have no sacred testimonies like Apostle Paul or John, or any of the Apostles in Christ. I am only writing to those whose spirits have been activated, and they are hitting the targets in Jesus Christ to be able to make the evaluation that a chosen and sent Priest is presiding over the ministry or even evaluating other testimonies as to if they are sacred. Most have no clue how 1 John chapter 4:1 is to be worked into their being.
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
This is a super-divine spiritual sign and gift given to some that can discern and discriminate between spirits and who love Jesus Christ with all their heart, soul and strength and are hitting the targets in him. Too, they are not mediums, psychics, shamans, or eastern religious people either because many of them can see spirits too. But, there is a huge, huge problem with their method and form in which I delve deeply in my books about. You do realize that you can seek the lord with all your strength and soul but miss (Him) the target completely. As a result, you are spit out of his mouth to the other side.
There are untold numbers in the Body of Christ that fit that description. Vast numbers have moved the target in Jesus Christ to fit their lifestyles, and then they call it a day. Moreover, a lot of people reading this blog have no clue what I’m writing about. They have no knowledge about how the testing of the Spirit is achieved by spiritual pathways, other than using their own intellect and intelligence in trying to discriminate between the truth from false. What I’m writing about concerning the bible has never entered their minds, questioned or even how to bring up a theme of this degree.
Most profile and try to talk about a person’s chemistry and how well read they are by them being able to quote scriptures good. This is their form of testing. This is how they analyze: If the teacher doesn’t misquote anything in the bible, and their character seems good, this is how most make the evaluation that the false prophet knows what they are talking about. Only, this is the exact opposite of how the Testing of the Spirit is to be triggered. You may think that the Lord wouldn’t send his children to hell because of sitting under a false Ministry and Minister for all their lives.
What could possibly end up happening in the end is the Lord telling you that I never knew you. Surely, for goodness sake, you don't want to hear that!
Too, most think of their studies and countless hours of research should all kick-in, in the end. And if that doesn't work out that grace should follow and come through, because we all confessed a hope in Christ. This is very, very dicey and dangerous and can easily backfire on you in the end! After you finish reading all of my books, you will see why you must not ever get hung-up into this entrapment. For it is very easy, easy to fit the description and condition set for this chapter and verse to be fully executed against you because of your recklessness, blindness, and not being careful, careful in your spiritual quest when all is said.